McCracken NA, Liu H, Runnebohm AM, Wijeratne HRS, Wijeratne AB, Staschke KA, Mosley AL. Obtaining Functional Proteomics Insights from Thermal Proteome Profiling through Optimized Melt Shift Calculation and Statistical Analysis with InflectSSP. Mol Cell Pro, 2023. 10.1016/j.mcpro.2023.100630
Levasseur, E.M., K. Yamada, A.R. Piñeros, W. Wu, F. Syed, K.S. Orr, E. Anderson-Baucum, T.L. Mastracci, B. Maier, A.L. Mosley, Y. Liu, E. Bernal-Mizrachi, L.C. Alonso, D. Scott, A. Garcia-Ocaña, S.A. Tersey, and R.G. Mirmira, Hypusine biosynthesis in β cells links polyamine metabolism to facultative cellular proliferation to maintain glucose homeostasis. Science Signaling, 2019. 12(610): p. eaax0715.
Harris, M.T., V. Jeffers, J. Martynowicz, J.D. True, A.L. Mosley, and W.J. Sullivan, A novel GCN5b lysine acetyltransferase complex associates with distinct transcription factors in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2019. 232: p. 111203.
Shao, Y., E. Wichern, P.J. Childress, M. Adaway, J. Misra, A. Klunk, D.B. Burr, R.C. Wek, A.L. Mosley, Y. Liu, A.G. Robling, N. Brustovetsky, J. Hamilton, K. Jacobs, D. Vashishth, K.R. Stayrook, M.R. Allen, J.M. Wallace, and J.P. Bidwell, Loss of Nmp4 optimizes osteogenic metabolism and secretion to enhance bone quality. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2019. 316(5): p. E749-E772.
Yamamoto, W.R., R.N. Bone, P. Sohn, F. Syed, C.A. Reissaus, A.L. Mosley, A.B. Wijeratne, J.D. True, X. Tong, T. Kono, and C. Evans-Molina, Endoplasmic reticulum stress alters ryanodine receptor function in the murine pancreatic beta cell. J Biol Chem, 2019. 294(1): p. 168-181.
Watkins, D.S., J.D. True, A.L. Mosley, and A.J. Baucum, 2nd, Proteomic Analysis of the Spinophilin Interactome in Rodent Striatum Following Psychostimulant Sensitization. Proteomes, 2018. 6(4).
Gökmen-Polar, Y., J.D. True, E. Vieth, Y. Gu, X. Gu, G.D. Qi, A.L. Mosley, and S.S. Badve, Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis identifies novel functional pathways of tumor suppressor DLC1 in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. PLOS ONE, 2018. 13(10): p. e0204658.
Willy, J.A., S.K. Young, A.L. Mosley, S. Gawrieh, J.L. Stevens, H.C. Masuoka, and R.C. Wek, Function of inhibitor of Bruton's tyrosine kinase isoform alpha (IBTKalpha) in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis links autophagy and the unfolded protein response. J Biol Chem, 2017. 292(34): p. 14050-14065.
Simon, J.M., Parker, J.S., Liu, F., Rothbart, S.B., Ait-Si-Ali, S., Strahl, B.D., Jin, J., Davis, I.J., Mosley, A.L., Pattenden, S.G. A Role for Widely Interspaced Zinc Finger (WIZ) in Retention of the G9a Methyltransferase on Chromatin. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015 Oct 23;290(43):26088-102. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.654459. Epub 2015 Sep 3.
Maganti, A.V., Maier, B.F. , Tersey, S.A., Sampley, M.L., Mosley, A.L., Ozcan, S., Pachaiyappan, B., Woster, P.M., Hunter, C.S., Stein, R., Mirmira, R.G. Transcriptional Activity of the Islet beta Cell Factor Pdx1 is Augmented by Lysine Methylation Catalyzed by the Methyltransferase Set7/9. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015 Feb 24. pii: jbc.M114.616219. Epub 02/2015.
Zhang, Q., Zhou, X., Wu, R., Mosley, A., Zeng, S.X., Xing, Z., Lu, H. The role of IMP dehydrogenase 2 in Inauhzin-induced ribosomal stress. eLife. 2014 Oct 27;3.
Ni, Z. Xu, C. Guo, X. Hunter, G.O., Kuznetsova, O., Tempel, W., Marcon, E., Zhong, G., Guo, H., Kuo, W., Li, J., Young, P., Olsen, J.B., Wan, C., Loppnau, P., Bakkouri, M.E., Senisterra, G., He, H., Huang, H-M., Sidhu, S., Emili, A., Murphy, S., Mosley, A.L., Arrowsmith, C., Min, J., Greeblatt, J.F. RPRD1A and RPRD1B serve as RNA Polymerase II Carboxy-Terminal Domain Scaffolds to Recruit RPAP2 for Serine 5 Dephosphorylation. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2014 Aug;21(8):686-95. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.2853.
Hsu, P.L., Yang, F., Smith-Kinnaman, W.R., Yang, W., Zheng, N., Mosley, A.L., Varani, G. Rtr1 is a dual specificity phosphatase that dephosphorylates Tyr1 and Ser5 on the RNA Polymerase II CTD. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2014 Aug 12;426(16):2970-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2014.06.010.
Khanna, M., Imasaki, I., Chikwana, V.M., Peres-Miller, S., Hunter, G.O., Mosley, A.L., Takagi, Y.,Hurley, T.D. Expression and purification of functional human glycogen synthase-1 (hGYS1) in insect cells. Protein Expr Purif. 2013 Aug;90(2):78-83. doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2013.05.007. Epub 2013 May 24.
Chen, X.F., Lehmann, L., Lin, J.J., Vashisht, A., Schmidt, R., Ferrari, R., Huang, C., McKee, R., Mosley, A., Plath, K., Kurdistani, S.K., Wohlschlegel, J., Carey, M. Mediator and SAGA Have Distinct Roles in Pol II Preinitiation Complex Assembly and Function. Cell Reports. 2012 Nov 29;2(5):1061-7. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2012.10.019. Epub 2012 Nov 21.
Zhang, D.W., Mosley, A.L., Ramisetty, S.R., Rodriguez-Molina, J.B., Washburn, M.P., Ansari, A.Z. Ssu72 phosphatase dependent erasure of phospho-Ser7 marks on the RNA Polymerase II C-terminal domain is essential for viability and transcription termination. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012 Mar 9; 287(11):8541-8551.
Daniels, D., Mendez, J. Mosley, A.L. Ramisetty, S., Murphy, N., Benink, H. Wood, K., Urh, M., and Washburn, M.P. Examining the Complexity of Human RNA Polymerase Complexes using HaloTag Technology Coupled to Label Free Quantitative Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research. 2012 Feb 3; 11(2):564-575.
Mosley, A.L., Sardiu, M.E., Pattenden, S.G., Workman, J.L, Florens, L., and Washburn, M.P. Highly reproducible label free quantitative proteomic analysis of RNA polymerase complexes. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2011 Feb. 10(2): M110.000687.
Fournier, M.L., Paulson, A., Pavelka, N., Mosley, A.L., Gaudenz, K., Bradford, W.D., Glynn, E., Li, H., Sardiu, M.E., Fleharty, B., Seidel, C., Florens, L., Washburn, M.P. Delayed correlation of mRNA and protein expression in rapamycin-treated cells and a role for Ggc1 in cellular sensitivity to rapamycin. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2010 Feb. 9(2):271-284.
Mosley, A.L., Pattenden, S.G., Carey, M., Venkatesh, S., Gilmore, J.M., Florens, L., Workman, J.L., Washburn, M.P. Rtr1 is a CTD phosphatase that regulates RNA polymerase II during the transition from serine 5 to serine 2 phosphorylation. Molecular Cell. 2009. 34(2):168-178.
Mosley, A.L., Florens, L., Wen, Z., Washburn, M.P. A label free quantitative proteomic analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleus. Journal of Proteomics. 2009 Feb 15. 72(1):110-20.
Black, J.C., Mosley, A., Kitada, T. Washburn, M.P., Carey, M. The SIRT2 deacetylase regulates autoacetylation of p300. Molecular Cell. 2008. 32(3):449-455.
Zybailov, B.L., Mosley, A.L., Sardiu, M.E., Coleman, M.K., Florens, L., and Washburn, M.P. Statistical Analysis of Membrane Proteome Expression Changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Proteome Research. 2006 Sep. 5(9):2339-47.
Finlin, B.S., Mosley, A.L., Crump, S.M., Correll, R.N., Ozcan, S., Satin, J., Andres, D.A. Regulation of L-type Ca2+ channel activity and insulin secretion by the Rem2 GTPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2005. 280(51):41864-41871.
Mosley, A. L. and Özcan, S. Pdx-1 Interacts with Histone Deacetylases Hdac-1 and Hdac-2 on Low Levels of Glucose. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004. 279(52):54241-54247.
Mosley, A. L. and Özcan, S. Glucose regulation of insulin gene expression requires the recruitment of p300 by the beta-cell specific transcription factor Pdx-1. Molecular Endocrinology. 2004. 18(9):2279-2290.
Lakshmanan, J.*, Mosley, A.L.*, and Özcan, S. Std1 and Mth1 are Required for Repression of Transcription by Rgt1 in the Absence of Glucose. Current Genetics. 2003. 44: 19-25. * = co-first author.
Mosley, A.L. and Özcan, S. Glucose Regulates Insulin Gene Transcription by Hyperacetylation of Histone H4. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003. 278(22): 19660-19666
Mosley, A.L.*, Lakshmanan, J.*, Aryal, B., Özcan, S. Glucose-Mediated Phosphorylation Converts the Transcription Factor Rgt1 from a Repressor to an Activator. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003. 278(12): 10322-10327. * = co-first author.
Özcan, S., Mosley, A.L., and Aryal, B. Functional expression and analysis of the pancreatic transcription factor PDX-1 in yeast. BBRC. 2002. 295(3):724-729.